Phoenix Ghost: 121 deadly visitors are on the move to the battlefields of Ukraine. They are named the Phoenix Ghost Drones.
If you listen to the news, then you might already know the United States is sending Ukraine 121 of the most secret and mysterious drones in our arsenal. However, before ER Precision Optics reveals the known details about this small but mighty weapon, we have an important announcement.
Military Appreciation Month

Military Appreciation Month: Honor the Sacrifice!
We are honored to announce that Congress has designated May 2022 as Military Appreciation Month. This new month is special for both those citizens in and out of the military.
It honors and appreciates the brave people, living and dead, for their service and sacrifice. The honors include all branches of our military: the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, Space Force, and National Guard.
Likewise, this month also commemorates the contribution of their spouses. Read more about this appreciation celebration at the end of this article.
The Phoenix Ghost and a Mysterious Pedigree
In short order, the United States will be sending 121 of the secret and mysterious drones named the “Phoenix Ghosts” to Ukraine. This is a part of the recently announced 800-million-dollar military support package.
The fact that it is a new secret weapon, untried in live combat makes it mysterious. Extraordinarily, little about its capabilities makes it very secretive.
A Little Backstory on “Phoenix Ghost
We at E.R. Precision Optical hadn’t planned on another discussion of drones quite this soon. However, this secret drone is so mysterious… Therefore, “Resistance was futile!”
So, we thought it would be fascinating to see what we could discover or guess about the capabilities of the unmanned mysterious mini airship, The Phoenix Ghost Drone.
Where does the “Phoenix Ghost” name Originate?
No one admits knowing the answer to this question. Even Defense Secretary Admiral John Kirby answered the question saying, he had “no idea” how the drone got its name—
As you recall the original Phoenix “rose from the ashes. Unlike the Phoenix, the Phoenix Ghost Drone will not rise again. In fact, its major mission in life is to go down in explosive flames.
A Little More about The New Drone and its Specifications
Thus, the unmanned aerial vehicle is another class of the Kamikaze Killer drone. Like the “Switchblade” which we discussed recently, it is designed to be flown only once. So, the question remains. Where did the name come from? The Military always has a reason for the names they choose.
Suspected Differences between the Switchblade Drone and the Phoenix Ghost
From our research, we have discovered that the drone does have likely differences from its predecessor, the Switchblade.
1. The new drone might be able to take off vertically.
2. Unlike the 60 min. range of the Switchblade, it might be able to fly up to six-plus hours.
3. Additionally, we suspect it can see in the dark. It undoubtedly has enhanced optics and photographic equipment. Thus, it is very smart about searching for its target.
4. Likewise, it is very adept at tracking a target, and operating at night with its infrared optics.
A Fascinating Public Debut for the Ghost Drone

The Phoenix Ghost Drone Has Capabilities Similar to the Switchblade Model Shown in This Image.
Recently the online e-zine “Breaking Defense,” writers defined the Phoenix Ghost as a “drone-missile similar to the Switchblade already fielded by Ukraine.”
They added, “The Pentagon initially claimed the Phoenix Ghost was developed for Ukraine after Russia’s February 24 invasion…”
However, Pentagon Press Secretary Jack Kirby walked that back. He “clarified the development timeline, saying instead that the Phoenix Ghost was created before the invasion…”
Walking Back Rumors About the New Secret Drone
He explained the USAF and contracted companies who designed the drone and coincidentally it matched a “set of requirements that very closely match what the Ukrainians need right now in Donbas…” It was reported by Breaking Defense.
Kirby quipped, “You’re not going to have 120 on your shelves if you just started [building] them on the 24th of February.”
Rumors of the Ghost Powers in the Ghost Drones
However, a rumor persists that talented Ukrainian designers and engineers gave input for instrumentation and optical enhancements on the Phoenix Ghost Drone.
We noted that “AEVEX who was rumored to create the drone for the USAF contributed no news announcement about it.” However, in researching their website, we saw a great many of their AEVEX optical products that would nicely enhance a combat-ready drone for surveillance as well as targeting.
And here at ER Optics, we recognize good optical equipment because we make parts for it, like NIR and FLIR lenses.
We appreciate the AEVEX range of products such as sensors and image processing. Their inventory includes “tools that use drone cameras to map the surrounding terrain and navigational sensors.”
You don’t’ have to think hard to realize that “better navigation could lead to more accurate attacks…” That would be a great boon to a soldier in the field, as well as a likely next step in improved drone technology.
Rumor or truth? Well… You know what they say about rumors? Sometimes, a rumor is just a rumor.
Our Absolute Knowledge of the New Phoenix Ghost Drone
We know three things for certain about the new Phoenix Ghost Drone. First, knowledge about this drone is still cloaked in mystery.
Secondly, it is a “one-way” drone that will, in Jack Kirby’s words, “deliver a punch…”
Thirdly, we know it can be used by any operator in the field who has used the Switchblade or a similar drone.
Kirby said, “The Phoenix Ghost, like almost all unmanned aerial systems, of course, has optics. So, it can also be used to give you a sight picture of what it’s seeing, of course, but its principal focus is attack…”
E.R. Precision Optical: Our Mission Statement Reminder
As we have said previously, our mission at E.R. Precision Optical does not include manufacturing drones. However, we do create parts and enhancements that could be adapted for drones. These enhancements make US drones effective and deadly weapon systems.
For example, modern military drones are now equipped with instruments such as NIR and FLIR. Additionally, they use finely ground lenses, optics, sensors, and of course, crucial semi-conductors.
ER Optics and Similar Companies: Bringing it all Home for the Phoenix Ghost Drones
Without these enhancements, the Ghost Phoenix Ghost drone and other such military equipment would be blind. They would be unable to find targets. Thankfully, the parts that ER Precision Optics and similar companies create empower the Ghost Phoenix and other drones, even full-fledged helicopters, to fulfill their missions. And they can conduct their objectives even in the darkest of nights.(Backlink to more info about FLIR and NIR)
One thing is certain. Whatever the details of its special enhancements, the Phoenix Ghost Drones are fearsome weapons. Even with the information we have, we know…!
They are deadly visitors to any enemy enterprise.
Military Appreciation Month

We Celebrate Our Military (Both Active Duty and Prior Service) and Their Families Through Out the Month of May 2022.
We began this blog with a salute to Military Appreciation Month. And we end it on the same note. Did you know that Congress named May National Military Appreciation Month in 1999?
With hereby recognize the service and sacrifices made by our troops. With the Military Holidays of May, we publicly show our “appreciation for troops past and present.”
You will find at least four anniversaries and holidays to give you the chance to celebrate those who keep us safe.
- Firstly, May 1-31: Military Appreciation Month
- Next, May 6: USA: National Military Spouse Appreciation Day
- May 21: National Armed Forces Day
- And finally, May 29: United Nations: International Day of UN Peacekeepers
We are sheltered with the constant guardianship of our US military men and women. Thus, we do not have to face deadly visitors like the Phoenix Ghost Drones in our daily lives.