Microscope Lenses are trending business news. So, we thought they would be an interesting feature for our first October blog. Additionally, we seem to be creating a theme. Previously, our blog focused on seeing in the dark. And currently, this blog is about seeing things that are very tiny.
ER Precision Optics brings a wide world of custom lenses for every type of need. Blogs like this one bring our readers the vast uses of lenses and crystals. Additionally, we hope to enhance your day with a little technical knowledge, like how lenses make a microscope work. (After all, if you read our last blog, you know how to see in the dark.)
An Urgent Need and Growing Market: Microscope Lenses

Equipped With Compound Or Single Eye Piece, The Basic Light Microscope Is A Miracle For Viewing The Smallest Particle of Our World.
According to PRN Newswire, Global Industry Analysts (GIA )recently produced a new report on the rapid rise of a market in microscopes.
Given the impact of Covid-19, we’re not in the least surprised the market for microscopes has grown. In the report, “Microscopes – Global Market Trajectory & Analytics,” ER Optics sees “opportunities and challenges in a significantly transformed post-COVID-19 marketplace.”
Post Pandemic: New Market
The emerging need for microscopes and the lenses in them is no surprise, given the Pandemic. Additionally, companies are responding by the hundreds. It’s not a just local, state, or national need. It’s a global need that must evoke a worldwide response.
Companies like Bruker Corporation, Carl Zeiss AG, Hitachi High Technologies America Inc. Leica Microsystems GmbH, Nikon Corporation, and many more are stepping up to the plate. They will manufacture different parts for this vital piece of medical and scientific equipment.
Microscope Lenses: Not Just for Medicine Any More!
Demands are also coming from technologies other than medical. Manufacturers need microscopes to work in “Material Science, Nanotechnology, Life Science, Semiconductors…” And many other unique applications.
Apparently, all parts of the world are calling for different types of microscopes. Many countries want optical microscopes. Hospitals and research facilities and need electron microscopes. Likewise, both countries and international companies are demanding scanning probes and specialized ‘scopes of every type. Microscope lenses have become essential parts.
Global Microscopes Market: $7.7 Million by 2026?
Let’s look at the business backstory now. “Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for microscopes estimated at US $6.1 Million in the year 2020…” Now experts project the global market to reach $7.7 Million by 2026.
Furthermore, the report added, “Optical, one of the segments analyzed in the report, is projected to record a 4% CAGR and reach $2.8 Million by the end of the analysis period.”
And we believe this estimate is also actually quite conservative. Why?
As we mentioned, these needs are evident globally. Examples include:
- The United States.
- Canada.
- Japan.
- China.
- And Australia
- Europe.
- Africa.
- Asia-Pacific.
- India.
- Latin America.
- And the Middle East.
In short, ER Precision Optics sees plenty of business for many lens companies as we meet this worldwide precision lens need for microscopes and their life-saving lenses.
A Market Value on Electron and Scanning Microscopes

Microscope Lenses Are Having a Serious Moment in the World Market. This is No Surprise, Due to the Pandemic.
Looking at the “business implications of the pandemic and its induced economic crisis,” we see amazing growth in the market for electron microscopes.
Thus, the report estimated a 4.2% CAGR for the next 7-year period. This estimate includes only the Electron microscope needs. Again, that strikes us as a very conservative estimation.
The Scanning probe microscope is another example of anticipated market growth. The report states that the market need for the scanning probe type of microscope will reach $1.2 Million in 2026. Therefore, “in the global Scanning Probe segment, USA, Canada, Japan, China, and Europe will drive the 2.8% CAGR estimated for this segment.”
Rising Market Value on Much-Needed Microscopes
Among the other geographic markets are Japan and Canada. Thus, experts have forecast each of those markets to grow at 1.2% and 3% respectively. Europe is also following the trend. For example, Germany is forecast to grow at approximately 2% CAGR.
We find it no surprise that China “will remain among the fastest-growing in this cluster of regional markets.”
Microscope Lenses, Mirrors, and Light
Precision Optics thought families who read this blog would really like to know how microscope lenses work. And so, we present a little information on lenses and light, namely in a microscope.
First of all, you have to know that there are two types of microscopes. Light microscopes are like the ones you used in junior high science class. Electron microscopes live in laboratories. The electron microscope will show the observer more details than the basic light microscope.
The Light Microscope: About Lenses and Light

The Digital Microscope Sees Through a Camera. Many Types of Microscope Lenses Are Now Causing the World Market to Grow By Millions of Dollars.
In the light microscope category, you’ll see some different types of light microscopes.
- Experts say, “For example, compound microscopes use two lenses for a better magnification process.” They probably remind you of binoculars.
- Likewise, you can find digital microscopes. They have no eye-pieces. Instead of the traditional eyepiece, they use a digital camera to provide a view to the observer.
Meet the Parts of the Light Microscope
Imagine the traditional microscope.
- Firstly, “At the top of a light microscope, you’ll find the eyepiece.” It contains the precision ground microscope lenses that you look through.
- Next, you see the body tube “which connects to the objective.”
- Then, you find the condenser, where you set your slide with its specimen.
- Finally, at the bottom of this area, you find a mirror base. Here’s where the light and lenses make magnification happen.
- Additionally, the entire mechanism adjusts using toe knobs that focus on your specimen.
Microscope, Lenses, and Secrets: How it Works
A light microscope uses light and lenses to magnify an object. “You can adjust the base for a thicker specimen although the use of thin slides is more commonly used.”
The Light Microscope only utilizes harmless rays of light. Therefore, your specimens can be alive or dead. In our next blog, ER Optics will reveal the basic workings of the powerful electron microscope. Then perhaps we will proceed to the powerful and carefully ground lenses that help you see into distant galaxies, with some information about telescopes and their lenses.
Conclusions About that Market Mentioned Above
For now, you probably have realized by reading the opening of this blog that ER Optics is a very busy place these days. Microscope lenses are a small part of it. With driving needs for virtually every type of microscope lenses, targeting lenses, and silicon wafers, we are cruising on the razor’s edge of technology. As you might remember from our previous blog, We cut, polish, lap, grind, shape, and etch these our wafers to your specifications.
These wafers are on their way to their little lives as much-needed semi-conductors. This is a market far surpassing microscope lenses, but very much in our purview.
Terrific Take-Aways From the Developing Market

E.R. Optics: Seriously Shaping the Vision of Tomorrow With New Lenses of Today.
With much more than Microscope Lenses, the markets are proving that precision optics technology paves the way through the 21st century and beyond.
So, as we stoke up our Czochralski Method furnaces, we remind you we are a custom optics company. Additionally, we would be remiss if we did not let you know we are ready for all your precision optical lens needs.
We make lens dreams come true. And we are never too busy to help the smallest or the largest of companies. We bring you creative solutions for the next project you need to see through– or around.