Holiday Smiles from ER Precision Optics are flying your way again. It hardly seems possible that it is time for a holiday greetings blog again. The Last eleven months have flown by. They have traveled at quantum speed, packed with new science and technology.
In this last month of 2023, cannot help but reflect on the launching of the incredible Webb Telescope on Dec. 25, 2021. And what a precocious two-year-old baby it has become! Now, it celebrates its new birthday by sending us daily data we will need decades to study.
Holiday Smiles of the Season

Time For Holiday Smiles and Seasonal Wishes From ER Optics.
But now it is time to send our heartfelt Greetings of the Season 2023 to our friends, clients, vendors, business associates, and blog readers.
Thus, the owners and staff of ER Optics bring you Holiday Wishes and Joy. Our smiles bring you the hope that life will bring you great insights and good fortune in 2024.
As we have stated in previous years, we are acutely aware that without your trust, friendship, and support we could never have attained success this year. We are blessed that our great winter celebrations of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s give us perfect opportunities to express our gratitude for your friendship.
Holiday Smiles over Space, Time, and Miles
We are using this blog to send our authentic thanks for your patronage, and endorsement. Furthermore, we cannot put gifts or dollars in a blog. However, we have packed it with good memories and cherished friendships, old and new in 2023.
Holiday Smiles and Blessings to the Universe and Beyond
Instead of our normal technological topics, this blog is our webpage Holiday Greeting Card. Likewise, it is a general, all-purpose blog-card. Thus, it makes no difference which holiday you celebrate this season. The sentiments are the same.
Like a greeting card, this blog celebrates the magic of a time of wonder. Additionally, in keeping with our custom, we wish you these three simple thoughts:
May you enjoy all the magic of the holiday season,
the warmth of friends,
and the Joy of family.
Holiday Smiles Are Gift Suggestions: It’s Not Too Late To Send Them!
In addition to holiday smiles, we offer you one of our favorite abstract gifts. It’s only made of words, but good ones. These words are not original ideas from ER Optics, but like holiday smiles, they have great merit, require no wrapping, you can give them at a moment’s notice. Best of all, you can give these same words written by Oren Arnold over and over again, year after year.
Therefore, without further ado, we give you some smiling last-minute gift suggestions in the true Spirit of the Season. Here, once again, is the official ER Precision Optical gift list:
“To your enemy, give forgiveness.
To an opponent, grant tolerance.
And, To a friend, give your heart.
To a customer, simply give service.
Finally, To all, give charity.
To every child, demonstrate a good example.
And To yourself, give respect.”
~Written By Oren Arnold
Holiday Smiles Addressed to Earth

We Are Propelled to the Distant Future With Science, Technology, and Holiday Smiles. The James Webb Telescope Lends Us Holiday Smiles.
In the precise and technical world of ER Precision Optics, we find the best measure of our success only in the true gold of goodwill from our friends and clients. That kind of gold might be more bountiful than silicon and more precious than lithium. For that kind of gold will bind our world and humanity together.
Holiday Smiles for America
Finally, we would feel remiss if we did not mention our patriotic smiles for our country. Therefore, we end our holiday blog with the words of President Ronald Reagan. Although he mentions the Christmas holiday specifically, we are certain he included all the aforementioned holidays in the spirit of his words.
He stated, in 1986, “May our prayers this Christmas call forth that serenity of heart and confidence in the future that are the best of all gifts. May the song of our people be one of thanks for God’s blessings on America and of petition for His continued blessings upon us…”
Please enjoy Our Blog of Holiday Smiles and Good Wishes…From The ER Precision Optics Family to You and Yours.

No Scientific Instrument Can Measure the Powerful Energy of Holiday Smiles.
One last point: We’ve heard it said that if holiday stress is getting to you, stargazing will call you down. Powered by enough holiday smiles and imagination, you might even think you see the shimmer of the James Webb telescope in its observation post at Lagrange Point 2—That means it is a million miles (1.5 million km) from Earth on its nightside.