Beasts of the Battlefield refers to modern-day tanks. They are awesome armored vehicles that bristle with armament and technology. Now, the US is poised to ship 31 of these battle beasts to Ukraine. Thus, the New York Post reported, “Ukrainian troops will be armed with what White House officials call “the best tank in the world…our M1 Abrams tanks.”
Previous ER Precision Optics blogs have discussed the US Jet fighters and helicopters that help keep the free world free. We have talked about the efficacy of many little parts and pieces of equipment that make the US superior in battles. For example, did you know FLIR is found in tanks as well as aircraft?
A Special Note about the Beasts of the Battlefield

Abrams M1 Top Competition is the T-72 Tank.
The world of optics and technological manufacture is vast, and we work with a wide array of technological endeavors. Thus it is a special interest of ours to keep up-to-date on the weaponry in the US arsenal. And right now, tanks are having a big moment. Let’s compare the two starring beasts of this battle.
Introducing: The T-72 Tank
As we have been following the war in Ukraine, we have noted that the Ukrainians have been forced to utilize Soviet-era T-72 tanks. Sadly, the Ukrainian soldiers often go up against the newest style of T-72 Soviet tanks. They are equipped with all the latest technological bells and whistles.
Therefore, we can most certainly understand the interest in procuring our Battle Beasts, the Abrams M1 tanks.
Therefore, let’s contrast the most important characteristics of these two different breeds of battle beasts.
- The Abrams M1 vs. the T-72:
Range: It’s no secret that the Abrams M1 can go 265 miles before refueling. The T-72 is comparable at 290 miles of range before it needs refueling. However, one of the advantages of the M1 is that it can use several different types of fuel.
- Weight: Pounds for Punching
At 45 tons, the T-72 is imposingly heavy, but the Abrams M1 weighs in at 55 tons, and it has much better armor. That extra 10 tons accounts for more protection for the crew inside the belly of the beast.
Speed for Each of these Beasts of the Battlefield
Battlefield maneuvers for tanks are not necessarily dependent on speed. In this area, the T-72 can run at 47 mph. However, the Abrams M1 can pace it at 42 miles per hour. (However, we have it on good authority that the Abrams M1 has been clocked at 67 mph.)
Beasts of the Battlefield and Their Agility

The Abrams M1 Tank Supports Vulnerability
For Its Crew as Well as Its Weapon System.
It’s almost scary that weapons analysts rate the T-72 with an agility score of “medium.” However, it is no surprise, because the T-72 cannot even go in reverse except at the incredibly low speed of 2 miles per hour. That is not much maneuverability for a bulky beast.
On the other hand, the Abrams M1 has been marked highly in agility since it was first built, back in 1981. And now it has been enhanced with 40 years of technological innovation.
Engines of War
Undoubtedly, the Ukrainian soldiers prefer the Abrams M1 because of its futuristic gas turbine engine. By contrast, the T-72 sports only a regular diesel engine.
Firepower: But Can These Beasts Shoot?
The T-72 comes with a cannon that can shoot 8 rounds per minute. Additionally, the T-72 supports a machine gun that fires 700-800 rounds per minute. And the bullets can reach targets almost a mile away.
That sounds like imposing firepower until you match it against the Abrams M1. This beast of the battlefield can fire 9 cannon rounds per minute. It supports a medium-sized machine gun 7.62 mm M240. This gun is a belt-fed, gas-operated, coaxial machine gun. The M240 can fire up to 950 rounds per minute and has a firing range of more than 2.3 miles. However, a second machine gun shoots 850 rounds per minute and strikes targets as far away as four miles. Thus, it is easy to understand the Ukrainian soldiers’ preference for the Abrams M1 beasts of the battlefield.
Traits for Beasts of the Battlefield: Lethality and Survivability.

Battle Beasts And a Well Trained Crew Make a Formidable Weapon System.
In a New York Post article, Caitlin Doornbos reported a remarkable summary. She stated, “The M1’s superior maneuverability will play a valuable role in traversing the vast, flat open ranges in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine…” And she added, “The US tanks also boast greater lethality and survivability.” Additionally, they are equipped with superior cannons, guns, and armor than the T-72.”
Beast of the Battle Field: Technological Innovations Drive the Abrams M1
Many facets of optical technology ride with soldiers who crew the Abrams M1.
1. The gunner, the driver, and the commander of the tank will also have thermal night equipment (CITV) Commander’s Independent Thermal Viewer. (This technology allows them to “identify targets, hand them off to the gunner for destruction and quickly scan for more threats.”
2. You Can’t Shoot if You Can’t See.
The Abrams M1 also provides “bullet-resistant glass shields for the tank commander and loader that were introduced during the Iraq War…” This technology earned a unique name by protecting soldiers. You see, this equipment “deployed as the Tank Urban Survival Kit (TUSK).”
3. Run Silent, Run Deep
The M1 can play dead on the watch. This is made possible by “A new under armor auxiliary power unit…” This superpower “allows an Abrams tank to power up its sensors and electronics without running its gas-turbine engine.” The crews call this the “silent watch” mode. They can stay quiet and mitigate their infrared heat signature as they visually hunt other enemy beasts on the battlefield.
Beast of the Battlefield: Overall Assessment

It’s Good to Remember Why We Are Sending M1 Tanks to Ukraine. They Protect People Like These.
The Abrams M1 out-guns and out-maneuvers its opponent in almost every category. Can there be any doubt as to the outcome?
As Joe Louis said to his opponent in his 1940s Championship fight: “You can run, but you can’t hide,”